Coucou les membres de la communauté,
Margot, one of our committed members, has embraced a fantastic new habit that’s worth sharing.
Margot commented:
Hello Alice! Today I started a new habit as you suggested last week. I just revisited the first story in the Baby Stage – listening and watching. And then, I narrated the story to my ‘peluche’ who is an orangutan named Xavier. Je pense que Xavier a beaucoup apprecie l’historie. I plan to do this every Sunday morning. My newest habit! C’est bon! Merci.
Margot‘s new habit is manageable, occurring weekly on Sunday mornings, which makes it easy to maintain.
Margot‘s habit is also quick, not demanding too much time or effort.
Most importantly, it’s effective. Margot receives comprehensible input by revisiting a familiar story, then she gains confidence speaking by retelling it to Xavier.
This habit aligns perfectly with Dr. Stephen Krashen‘s theory of language acquisition, which states that speaking is a result of receiving comprehensible input.
Pronunciation Tip: Asking for Clarification
Our new pronunciation video focuses on the phrase:
– Qu’est-ce que tu veux dire ? – Qu’est-ce que vous voulez dire ?
This useful questions means “What do you mean?”.
It’s also essential to note the difference between “tu” and “vous.”
“Tu” is used in informal situations or when addressing someone you’re familiar with, while “vous” is used in formal contexts or when speaking to multiple people.
Click here to pronounce this question with the right intonation!
Community Success Story
This week, I am thrilled to share Sheila‘s inspiring experience from our Community Chat:
J’ai commencé ce programme en décembre de l’année dernière. J’ai commencé au stade de bébé sans rien savoir du français et maintenant je lis “La Toile de Charlotte” (Charlotte’s Web) en français. Merci Beaucoup Alice et son bon homme. Merci.
Sheila‘s amazing progress is a testament to the effectiveness of our program and the power of language acquisition (not learning!).
Please share your own success stories and experiences. Your journey can inspire others in our French learning community.
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Remember: every small step brings you closer to French fluency!