Fait avec amour

~ FIN ~

6 thoughts on “Fait avec amour

  1. I’ve just joined, but I’m a bit disappointed tbh. I wouldn’t class this as comprehensible input. I didn’t understand many messages. Sure, I can guess a few words here and there, but I was not engrossed in the story because I wasn’t getting the messages enough. 🙁

  2. Please ignore my comment above. I have just realised that this was a baby story not a baby stage video. The baby stage videos are amazing and I absolutely love them! Understood every message and learned loads while being fully engaged with the stories! Love them and thank you!

    1. Good to know Nick! Yes, this story is more advanced if you are a total beginner. But you can watch the short video at the bottom of the page as it will help you to understand the story in French. Happy French acquisition!